
We report the result within 24 to 48 hours of receiving the order. If the candidate or reference person is unavailable, we discuss the situation with the client in a timely manner and look for a quick solution. The client receives regular screening status notifications.

Krok 1

Confirming order

During normal working hours (8:00-18:00) we confirm the order within 120 minutes. We specify the order by parameters pre-agreed with the client.

Krok 2

Getting contact details

If the order does not contain  reference persons´ contact details, we obtain these details directly from the applicant within 12 hours of confirming the order.

Krok 3

Screening references

We arrange screening times within 24 hours of receiving contact details, regardless of our normal working hours, weekends or time zone.

Krok 4


We report the screening result to the client within 120 minutes of the structured telephone/skype interview with the reference person.